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Liquivida: Vitamin IV Therapy

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Nutrient IV therapy is a safe and effective way to receive natural vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly to the bloodstream. adding these nutrients gives the body more of what your organs need to function properly.  Liquivida IV treatments feature higher, more effective doses of essential nutrients compared to standard offerings. 



  • Nutrients are absorbed at the cellular level.

  • Refuels your brain and muscles

  • Replenishes the nutrients to improve skin's appearance and strengthen nails

  • Enhances your energy and improves overall mood

  • Boosts the immune system for quicker recovery

  • Helps prevent future health conditions caused by stress, malnutrition and dehydration.

Benefits of IV Drips

Urgent Care of

Liquivida IV Drips Available

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Which IV Drip for Me?

The Executive

Executive-- Basic hydration drip-- great for people who work a lot, stressed out, fatigued, travel.  It's going to replenish your electrolytes, hydrate you and give you your b-vitamins for energy.

Rise and Shine

Rise & Shine-- Our "hangover" drip-- great for people who work a lot, stressed out, fatigued, or travel.  It's going to replenish your electrolytes, hydrate you and give you your b-vitamins for energy

Natural Defense

Natural Defense is the "immune booster" It has everything the Executive has plus higher doses of Vitamin C.  This is great for people who are sick  or getting with cold or flu.  Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties and has been known to help with fibromyalgia pain and other inflammatory symptoms.

Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth  is the "Beauty Treatment."  It's great for anti-aging, cellular repair, helps rid the body of free radicals, detoxifies the liver, brightens and lightens skin.

Performance Hydration

Performance Hydration is geared for people who work out.  It is perfect for anyone who wants to train hard, and is great before or after intense physical activity.  It will replenish essential nutrients and vitamin C as well as the added benefit of amino acids.  This is great for increasing your stamina, boosting up your metabolism, and  helping with muscle recovery.  


Liquilift- "Mac Daddy drip" -- You're going to get the most bang for your buck with this drip.  This infusion will not only hydrate you but includes b-vitamins for energy, amino acids, high doses of vitamin C and glutathione.

We provide all guests with a breakdown of each signature drip.  Examples of ingredients include: Vitamin C, B Vitamins, amino acids, minerals and glutathione. Drips are all -natural, and do not contain steroids, synthetics, placebos, or medicine of any kind.  IV Nutritional Therapy delivers nutrients directly into the bloodstream allowiing the body to absorb 100% of nutrients infused. 

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How to Prepare for your Drip

Attire:  Wear a shirt you can roll up above your elbow.

Hydrate before every IV:  The more hydrated you are,  the more accessible your veins are making for a more comfortable treatment.

Have something to eat:  Some of the vitamins and minerals can have a temporary blood sugar, and blood pressure lowering effect, which can make you feel light headed during or after your IV if you haven't eaten.

Allow yourself Enough Time:  Give yourself enough time to arrive so you can get comfortable and relaxed prior to your treatment.  This will make your experience more enjoyable and effective.

The IV can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours depending on the type of IV drip.  Please​  plan to be here for a minimum of 1 hour.


**Many people experience an increase in energy, mental alertness and over all sense of well being immediately following their IV treatment.  These effects may be subtle or may not be noticed until the next day or days following treatment.  





2220 I-45  

(next to Kroger)

Conroe, Texas 77301

Phone:  936-521-2100

Fax:  936-494-3002



Monday- Saturday

8:00 am – 7:45 pm


Credit cards accepted


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