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Bacteria is the leading cause of urinary tract infection (UTI). The infection can happen in any part of the urinary tract. Viruses or fungi can also cause UTIs. Women are more likely to get UTIs because their urethras are shorter. UTIs in men are less common but more serious.



Germs are the usual cause of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Germs can travel up your urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body), into your bladder or kidneys and then cause infection. Women tend to get more UTIs because their urethras are shorter. Sexual activity can make it easy for germs to get inside the urethra. People who have diabetes or women who are pregnant are also prone to frequent UTIs.



Symptoms of UTIs vary depending on what part of the urinary tract is infected. Lower UTIs are an infection of the urethra and bladder. These symptoms include:

Girl with Red Hair
  • Bloody urine

  • Burning with urination

  • Cloudy urine

  • Urine looks pink, red or the color of tea

  • Bad odor in urine

  • Increased need to urinate with minimal urine being passed

  • Fever and chills

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Pelvic pain (women)

  • Rectal pain (men)



In order to make your UTI better, you will have to take antibiotics.


When to go to Urgent Care?

Urgent Care of Conroe can diagnose your UTI and prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection. Take all the antibiotics prescribed until they are finished or you run the risk of the infection returning.

You should head to an emergency room for treatment if you have any of the following:

  • Nausea, fever, vomiting, chills, or pain in one side of your back under your ribs

  • You have diabetes, a weak immune system or kidney problems

  • Have blood or pus in your urine

  • Are over 65

  • Are pregnant


For more information on UTI's: Kidney and Bladder Infections, see the following websites:​



Disclaimer: The links above are to sites independent of Urgent Care of Conroe. The information provided is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your doctor. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding your specific medical questions, treatments, therapies, and other needs.



2220 I-45  

(next to Kroger)

Conroe, Texas 77301

Phone:  936-521-2100

Fax:  936-494-3002



Monday- Saturday

8:00 am – 7:45 pm


Credit cards accepted


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